Monday, February 20, 2006

Hard Work, Graft and Preperation

Photographs (c) Phil Janvier February 2006
These are not the normal pictures that you would use to illustrate two weeks of outreach and mission, but for me they capture some of the essense of the preperation involved. Our Crossing the Bridge Mission had two aims, one; to share the good news of Jesus to the people of our area and two; to enable church people to meet local meeting and to begin to earn the right to speak.

The Centre you see in the pictures was returned to us by the Liverpool City Council as their lease ended in a terrible state, and I could go on and on about the local authority taking a local church for a ride but I will restrain myself... just, so we had to redecorate a massive centre in just two weeks using as many volunteers as we could get. So we all cried "Hurray" to see corporation purple vanish...

Anyway back to the point, the hard work put into a building and then followed by two weeks of positive community action and Christian outreach has made an impact. Suddenly, people who saw us as two headed monsters now see us as friends and the bridge is starting to be crossed. Hard work, graft and outreach go hand in hand.

To God be the glory!