Lifehouse - Everything Dance
Once in a while you see something that shakes you to the core. This video is one such thing. I am 52 years old and have been a Christian minister since 1987 and a Christian since 1975. I thought I understood the cross, and as an evangelist I have preached on it on many occasions and witnessed the wonder of many becoming Christians. I know Jesus died for me. I know that my sins are forgiven. I know that I have home reserved for me in heaven. I know that while I am not fully perfect yet God has begun a work in me that will last for eternity. I am saved, past tense, I am being saved, present tense, and I am being saved, future tense. I can discuss substitution, adoption, forgiveness, and on and on... I live it, I feel it, I experience what it is to be loved and rescued by an amazingly wonderful God.
But this video showed me something I had not seen before. God, in action.
If you haven't watched it yet then please do so now so I do not spoil it. The dance begins with God dancing with a teenage girl with all before her, he shows her the wonder of creation and the warmth of his love, she face the challenges and distractions of a boy friend, money, alcohol, body image, self harm and suicide, all the time God is trying to pull her back and she fights to get back to him and fails. But just as she gets to a finger tip distance she is pulled away and God intervenes. Getting between the crowd and the girl and he holds them back. This view of God is now seen to be Jesus as he holds back an angry crowd so she is free to pray, Jesus is beaten down and just when it seems he is defeated he stands up strong and wins and the girl's relationship with God is restored.
It was the fighting back of the crowd, a crowd made up of the girl's mistakes plus the world's temptations that are out to destroy that touched me. God is right now holding back the horrors of mine, yours and the world's mistakes so that I/we can have the true freedom to live and pray. God is right now holding it all back, this is no past tense action on the cross, but a living thing that is happening now as I write and you read. Now how amazing is that?
This is the best dance on the cross I have ever seen and I urge you buy the track from Lifehouse because this track is literally everything!
Labels: Christian Dance Drama
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